Teacher Cronq comin' in hot!

Thursday, December 28, 2017
I'm usually not one to make a New Year's Resolution. Mainly because I feel like if someone wants to change someone, they should just DO IT, and not wait until a new year. However, the last couple of years I have been pretty "gung-ho" about making yearly goals that I want to reach. My dear cousin, Tiffany (who I will be mentioning in a blog post to come) told me once that if I want to do something I need to write it down. So at the beginning of 2017 I wrote down all the goals I wanted to reach. And you know what? I REACHED THEM ALL! Here are just a few I'd like to share...

1. Run a half-marathon....CHECK! I started training for the Horsetooth Half Marathon at the beginning of 2017 and completed it in April. It was one of the hardest things I've ever done, but also one of the most rewarding. Training for this pushed me physically and emotionally, but it taught me so much about I can do. This will NOT be my last race!

2. Rescue another dog...CHECK! We have had our dog, Champ (left), for about 6 years and decided it was time to get him a friend. We have been hesitating doing this for a while because we were worried about the extra commitment and how Champ would be with another dog. We rescued Layla (right) from Ho-Bo Care Boxer Rescue in Denver, and to say that she rescued us is an understatement. Sure, she likes to jump on the counters and get stuff off the top of our refrigerator, but she is the sweetest most loving dog and has so much fun playing with Champ all day long. We are just smitten for our little wiggle-butts!

3. Take a beach vacation... CHECK! We took a pretty spontaneous all-inclusive trip this summer to the Dominican Republic and LOVED it! What better way to spend time off work than doing absolutely nothing on the beach under the sun? Although this was totally a "treat-yo-self" goal, I'm so glad we worked hard to save for this trip because it was the best way to recharge and reconnect. My husband and I work opposite schedules and rarely see each other through the school year, so we try to do special things when we do have time together. Setting aside this time for us to vacation was just perfect for us!

4. My personal favorite, make a baby...CHECK! Surprise! We're having a baby! It's no secret this was a little bit of a challenge for us for a little over a year, but we put all of our trust and faith in God and now "Baby Cronq" will be joining us in April of 2018!

And my last one I can finally check off... 5. Make a teacher blog..BIG FAT CHECK! With the help of a few of my friends, I decided at the beginning of 2017 that this was my journey. I've spent this year researching what it takes to start a blog, how create one and market it, how to use TPT and create products, licensing laws, etc. With the help from Kristen from Chalk and Apples, I now have this beautiful platform to share everything I have to offer as well!

The purpose of me starting a "teacher blog" has a few purposes:

  • I so often find myself making lessons, that I figured, why not sell them on TPT? I'd ultimately love to use my blog as a platform to help me do just that. Maybe that's a little Type A of me to do, but I think most teachers are just that!
  • I'd love to start networking with more teachers out there that share the same passion that I have for this wonderful profession.
  • I want to do something that continues my growth as an educator. My biggest fear as a teacher is getting to stand-still point where I fear change. I often feel sad and sorry for teachers that treat each school year as the same as the past years. I want to strive to get better each year and keep up with technology, research, and best practices.
  • To be honest, I often find myself bored when Adam has to work. Like I said earlier we have opposite schedules and I spend most evenings at home alone. Obviously things are going to change once Baby Cronq gets here, but I'd also like to keep up with a hobby that is just for ME. Call it selfish, but I think it's important everyone has a little "me time". Am I right? Or am I right?

As I reflect on some of these goals I was able to achieve in 2017, I feel proud for adding so many good things into my life. I am so excited to see where this blog will take me and what I will learn from it (if it isn't obvious by now, I'm very into personal reflection.) And in case you're wondering what's next, I'm currently working on my 2018 goals. I definitely have some personal goals I'd like to accomplish, like maybe run another half marathon after baby is born, or maybe learn some new cooking skills. But one goal you can count on is that "Teacher Cronq" is going to be completely up and running and offering a lot of new TPT products that reflect who I am as a teacher. Not only that, but I'd love to share with you motivation and other resources that really excite me and my students. Anyone who knows me knows I'm not usually vocal on social media, and putting myself out there as a blogger is completely foreign to me (see my last blog post), but I'm hoping all of that will change in 2018. I hope Teacher Cronq is something that will help you and that you find useful to share with others.

Watch out, 2018, Teacher Cronq is comin' in hot!


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