My WHY...

Thursday, August 2, 2018
Hi all!

Here I am, making my appearance on my blog again! I started this year making big goals for this blog, and slowed down BIG time once I had my son in April. I am incredibly blessed that I have been able to stay home with him for 4 months before going back to work! However, now that school is starting I am itching for a routine to get back to feeling like myself (because SPOILER ALERT maternity leave consists of feeling like a zombie 90% of the time). I am determined to stick to my original goals for my blog and building my TPT store because I absolutely LOVE my teacher network. In addition to my professional goals as a teacher, I am also creating some personal goals that I want to mesh together.

I am so excited to announce that to do that, I have signed on as a Beachbody coach! To be honest, I've always been super apprehensive about these "side hustles", but I'm taking a leap of vulnerability to put myself out there and do something I thought I'd never do. With that said, I'd like to share WHY I've decided to take on this new adventure:

Like I mentioned, I delivered my sweet baby boy, Travis, on April 10th of this year. For anyone who was *lucky* enough to stick by me through my pregnancy, you know that I had a pretty terrible experience. I absolutely will not complain about my pregnancy, because I am so blessed that me and my son were healthy throughout the entire time. However, I was absolutely not one of those women who loved pregnancy. I was sick LITerally the entire time. I was losing a significant amount of weight for the first 22 weeks I was pregnant because I was so sick. My all-day sickness and heartburn lasted till my delivery day, and it was truly debilitating. I missed a LOT of work, and my students knew not to follow Mrs. Cronquist if she had to run into the hallway. I was diagnosed with Hyperemesis Gravidarum and was even in the hospital at one point to get fluids for my dehydration. For anyone who knows someone who has experienced this, PLEASE do not ask them if they've ever tried ginger or might get punched. ANYWAY, once I got to the point that I finally had an appetite, I was only able to eat certain foods. And I gained weight very fast. I honestly didn't think it was possible for someone to gain as much weight as I did as quick as I did. My loving husband has been such a rock for me (and truly deserves an award for putting up with me throughout my pregnancy) and always gave me pep talks about how the weight was healthy for our baby. But now that he is here, I am ready to lose this weight! I've been eating healthy and working out, but it's just not enough. I am craving MORE! I need motivation. I need accountability. I need resources. I need so much to help me through this, and I'm so excited to say that I've found it through Beachbody. sum up...WHY am I doing this? Because I want to feel good in my skin. Because I want to feel strong. Because I want to be healthy for my family. Because I want to be a good role model for my son and my students. Because I want to continue to grow physically, mentally, and spiritually. Because I want to help others.

I can't wait to get started with this program and have the energy and motivation to be the best wife, mom, and teacher I can be!


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