There’s nothing quite like the look of clean desks before school starts. You know the look— smudge free and clear of eraser crumbs. Or even the smell of freshly sharpened Ticonderoga pencils (no, NOT the crappy Dixon pencils that we’re forced to use at the end of the school year when we’re running out of the good ones.) And nothing beats the feeling of having an organized desk, and possibly even the false sense of hope that it will stay that way.
I just started my 6th year as an educator, and I can’t help but feel more excited this year than any year I’ve taught. I’ve loved every group of kids I’ve had (even though Lord knows some years have been tougher than others), but this year something is just different and I can’t quite pin point it. Maybe it’s because I’m a new mom now and I see my students through a different lens. Or maybe it’s because I’m feeling more established as a teacher. I’d like to think that a lot of it has to do with the fact that I’ve spent a lot of time recently doing a lot of reflection and personal development and setting a lot of goals. I can also speak to the fact that the my first time starting third grade was exactly 20 years ago.... talk about nostalgia!!
Regardless of my WHY, I’m just grateful that I have a job that I can call my passion. With that said, I want to take a few minutes to share with you all the “feels” I’m having this back to school season.
I’m feeling...
...for the opportunity that I have to teach at my school. I have the best teacher tribe a girl can ask for, and I definitely couldn’t do my job without everyone I work with. I’m also grateful for the support system I have at home to help me with this career choice. All you teachers know that this is NOT a “9-5 job”. Anyone else lay awake thinking about how to get your kids motivated? Or maybe you get distracted when out at dinner because you’re wondering if some of your students were able to have their own dinner that night? These are the thoughts us teachers have. And it takes a special kind of support system at home to help us with that. My dear husband, Adam, is such a trooper. He has spent countless hours helping me set up my classroom, grade papers, bring me lunch on his days off, and listen to me brainstorm new ideas. Does he just smile and nod? Probably. But he has the cutest smile, so I can’t complain :)
HOPEFUL my students ability to reach their full potential. I’m hopeful that my students can show a tremendous amount of growth (notice I focus on GROWTH, here. Very important different between that and expecting everyone to be at the same place). Care to discuss? Comment below. I’m curious your thoughts on this!
EXCITED spend my days with the greatest kids in the world. This is not just a job for me. It’s my passion. I am excited to hear my students’ silly stories and learn about what they are interested. These kiddos will never know how much they teach me too. I’m excited to implement some new, fun lessons that I have planned to supplement the curriculum I’m using. All my excitement and motivation for these plans I have come from Wade and Hope King, who co-wrote a book called The Wild Card. If you haven’t read it yet, do it now!!!! Seriously. It’ll change your life.
DETERMINED engage my students and help them LOVE coming to school. I’m determined to teach them so much more than just the Reading, Writing, and Communicating state standards. By the wise words of the Top Dog Teacher: “Relationships over Everything Else”!
I’ve talked before about goals that I have for this year, as I have many, and but if I had to summarize them all into one, I’d say is to live every day with a positive attitude. Like mamma always taught me, “ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING”. I just can’t wait to see what this school year brings! I hope you all are experiencing some kind of "feels" this back-to-school season, because these "feels" are what keeps our teaching magic alive. They help us continue to grow and learn, and our kids deserve that!
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